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Citiscope   the power of strong storytelling   innovations to help cities work better

Breakthroughs, trends and innovations from cities around the globe.

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Now on   NOVA - Deadliest Earthquakes 
Watch the Program :   Big quakes are inevitable, but can we lessen their devastation?

Aug 5 , 2014   The Los Angeles Times 
By Carolina Miranda :   Why artists want to preserve church tied to L.A.'s Chicano movement

July 23 , 2014   CBS Minnesota  Local 
Associated Press :  Twin Cities Construction Projects At Highest Level Since 2007

July 11 , 2014   The Houston Chronicle  Texas News 
Associated Press :  Threatened chicken delays Texas spaceflight plan

July11, 2014   The New York Times Magazine  
 By Ben Austen :  The Post-Post-Apocalyptic Detroit

June 19 , 2014   The Dallas Morning News  The Scoop Blog 
by Julieta Chiquillo  :  Engineering failures mainly responsible for cracks in Allen HS stadium

June 19 , 2014   The Wall Street Journal  Life & Culture 
by Jonathan Cheng :  Visitors to Buffalo, N.Y., Find Beauty in Decay

June, 23 , 2014   The Denver Post
By Dick Kreck :  Union Station gets a major makeover, 133 years after trains first ran

May, 22 , 2014   The Washington Post
By William Booth :  How do you fix the 500-year-old roof over Jesus's birthplace? Carefully.

May, 2 , 2014   The Washington Post
By Terrence McCoy :  A new theory about the building of the Pyramids

April 27 , 2014   The Detroit News Michigan History 
By The Detroit News :  The Fisher brothers' magnificent building...

architect Albert Kahn  was given a free hand to create a sensational building

April 26 , 2014   The Los Angeles Times 
By Thomas Curwen :   Behind the Grand Pour: Building L.A.'s new tallest tower

April, 25 , 2014   The Washington Post
By Emily Badger : 
Stunningly rapid urban development, seen through Google Street View

April 21, 2014   The New York Times Architecture  
 By Gabe Johnson & Michael Kimmelman :  Riding New York City’s Desire Line

April 20 , 2014   The Los Angeles Times 
By Marissa Gluck :   Sustainable housing an evolving term for architects

April 16 , 2014   FORBES 
By Erin Carlyle :  Housing Starts Rise 2.8% In March

April 12 , 2014   The Los Angeles Times 
By John M. Glionna :  
Las Vegas, the ill-designed Harmon hotel will be dismantled - before ever opening

April 10 , 2014   The Houston Chronicle Real Estate  
By Erin Mulvaney :  Business leaders see hotel as new downtown icon, City will become a convention giant

April 10 , 2014   The Houston Chronicle Homes  
By Torrie Hardcastle :  It's a seller's market in Houston

April 10 , 2014   The Detroit News Metro & State 
By Louis Aguilar :  Detroit escalates its war on blight

April 7 , 2014   Bloomberg  The Grid - Energy & Sustainabilty 
By tom Randel :  U.S. Wind Power Blows New Records. Again. And Again

March, 28 , 2014   The Washington Post
By Terrence McCoy :  How the 'Bishop of Bling' spent $43 million renovating this house

March, 20 , 2014   The Houston Chronicle  Real Estate
By Nancy Sarnoff :  New hotels not afraid to be noticed

March 19, 2014   The San Francisco Gate
 By Robert Johnson :  Facebook's Sprawling New HQ, Designed by Frank Gehry

March 19, 2014   The Detroit News Metro & State 
By Lauren Abdel-Razzaq :  $6.3M dose of cold reality: Troy Transit Center sits empty amid dispute

March 17, 2014   MSN VIDEO
 By KCCI Des Moines :  Downtown building implosion of 100 year old building

March 18, 2014   The New York Times
By Michael Kimmelman  :  Reading, Writing and Renewal

March, 6 , 2014   The Houston Chronicle Real Estate  
By Nancy Sarnoff :  Heavy construction at the old downtown Macy's site

Feb 13 , 2014   The Los Angeles Times 
By John M. Glionna :   For the tallest structure to be built west of the Mississippi…

Jan 9, 2014   The New York Times
 By Steven Kurutz :  When Pop Stars' Homes Go Into Rehab

Dec 4, 2013   Bloomberg News from Bloomberg
By Lorraine Woellert :  Sales of New Homes in U.S. Surge by Most in Three Decades

Nov 20, 2013   The Chicago Tribune
By Tribune Staff  :   How to help Illinois tornado victims

Oct 8, 2013   The New York Times
 Created with NYT Archives :  A Short History of the Highrise

Oct 6, 2013   The Chicago Tribune - Chicagoland
By Tribune Staff  :   A new Plan for Chicago

Sept 17, 2013   The Dallas Morning News - Business
By Staff  :   Want to buy a skyscraper? There are several to choose from in Dallas

Sept 13, 2013   The Chicago Tribune - Chicagoland
By Monica Garcia  :   Capitol architect fires back at Quinn for cost criticism

Sept 11, 2013   The New York Times
By MARC SANTORA & ARIEL KAMINER :  A Day to Pay Tribute and Take Stock

Sept 10, 2013   The Washington Post
Slide Show : 
10 ways 9/11 changed us

August 7, 2013   CNN Money
James O'Toole :  President Obama tout's home ownership as a key aspect of the "American Dream,"

July 20, 2013   CNBC ECONOMY
By Matthew J. Belvedere :  Tear down chunks of Detroit: Developer Proposal

July 17, 2013   The Los Angeles Times 
By A Khouri & A Lazo  :   Home price rebound has look of a boom

July 15, 2013   Market Watch The Wall Street Journal
Slide Show :  Big Home Builders Gobble Up Rivals Starved for Cash

June 17, 2013   Bloomberg News from Bloomberg
By Jeanna Smialek :  Homebuilder Confidence in U.S. Rises to a Seven-Year High

June 12, 2013   USA TODAY News
By Julie Schmit :  Rising home prices rescue underwater homeowners

May 21, 2013   CBS NEWS
By Staff :  How to help those hit by Oklahoma tornado

May 10, 2013   NBC TODAY News
By Matt Murray and Eun Kyung Kim :  Cheers erupt as spire tops One World Trade Center

 April 29, 2013   YouTube Google
Slide Show :  Not so Funny Construction work

April 29, 2013   Fox News
Associated Press  : 
Last pieces of One World Trade Center spire are rising

APRIL   2013

April 27, 2013   The Washington Post
By Annie Gowen & Ted Mellnik :  Tree canopy's density indicates wealth of D.C. neighborhoods


April 20, 2013   The Washington Post
By Annys Shin :  In the hunt for tear-down properties, elderly homeowners often get offers


March 20, 2013   The New York Times
By Catherine Rampell :  Sudden Rise in Home Demand Takes Builders by Surprise


March 19, 2013   Market Watch The Wall Street Journal
Slide Show :  10 most unhappy states in the U.S.


January 25, 2013   USA TODAY
By AP :
  New-home sales the most since 2009

November 19, 2012   REUTERS
By Jason Lange :  Home resales climb, housing recovery gains traction


November 19, 2012   The New York Times
By Times Staff :  As Coasts Rebuild and U.S. Pays, Repeatedly, the Critics Ask Why


November 13, 2012   CNN Money
By Chris Isidore  :  Home Depot: Housing market is healing


November 5, 2012   The New York Times New York Region
By NR Kleinfield :  Future Is in Limbo for the Damaged Buildings Close to the Water's Edge


November 2, 2012   SCIENTIFIC AMERICA Observations
By Larry Greenemeier :  Post-Sandy New York Aims to Rethink Infrastructure, Not Just Rebuild It


October 31, 2012   Bloomberg Businessweek News from Bloomberg
By John Gittelsohn & Prashant Gopal :  Sandy to Boost Construction Jobs as Rebuilding Spurred


October 31, 2012   POLITICO Hurricane Sandy update
By Darren Goode :  Cuomo notes weather’s new reality, toll on states


October 24, 2012    Market Watch The Wall Street Journal
By Ruth Mantell :  U.S. new-home sales hit fastest pace since 2010


October 9, 2012  The Wall Street Journal
By Elliot Brown :  Smaller Firms That Bought Commercial Property During Downturn See Profits


September 19, 2012  USA Today
By Marty Crutsinger | Christopher Rugaber :  Existing home sales, housing starts jump in August


September 11, 2012  The Wall Street Journal
By Ted Mann :  9/11 Museum Will Rise




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"Architecture is an act of optimism, at its best it seeks to exert a civilizing influence on the world'.

                                                                                                                          Nicolai Ouroussoff